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Cookies Policy

Vola Apartments Group respects right to privacy of each and every person accessing and browsing our website. Vola Apartments takes upmost care of their customers and abides by existing laws in regards of personal data protection.

  1. Our website doesn’t automatically collect personal information apart from the information included in cookies.
  2. Cookies constitute of IT data, especially text files, which are stored in service user’s final devise. They are intended for browsing websites. They content of the name of the website and unique number.
  3. Cookies are used only to maintain the user’s session and they do not contain any personal data.
  4. The website uses two types of cookies; session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored in service user’s final devise until the service user loges out, leaves the website or turns of the software (internet browser). Persistent files remain in service user’s final devise for the time specified in the file parameters, or until the service user removes them manually.
  5. The following types of cookies are used on our website:
    a) Necessary cookies, enabling the use of services available on the website, e.g. authentication cookies used for services requiring authentication within the website.
    b) Cookies used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect abuse in the field of authentication within the website.
    c) Functional cookies enabling the system to remember the settings selected by the user
  6. In many cases, software (internet browser) used for browsing websites allows cookies to be stored on the user’s final device by default. Website users can change cookie settings at any time. The settings can be changed, in particular in such a way as to block automatic cookie handling in the browser settings or to inform each time they are placed on the user’s device.
    Detailed information about possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (internet browser) settings.
  7. The website operator informs that restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the website.