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Child Protection Procedures at Vola Apartments

Taking into consideration the guidelines of the United Nations on business and human rights, acknowledging the significant role of business in ensuring respect for children’s rights, particularly the right to protection of their dignity and freedom from all forms of harm, Vola Apartments adopts this document as a model of principles and procedures in cases of suspicion that a child is being subjected to harm.

  1. Vola Apartments conducts its operational activities with the utmost respect for human rights, especially children’s rights as individuals particularly sensitive to harm.
  2. Vola Apartments acknowledges its role in conducting socially responsible business and promoting desirable social attitudes.
  3. Vola Apartments particularly emphasizes the importance of the legal and social obligation to notify law enforcement authorities of any suspected cases of crimes against children and commits to training its staff accordingly.
  4. The establishment commits to educating its staff on circumstances indicating that a child staying at the premises may be harmed and on ways to respond to such situations promptly and appropriately.
  5. One of the effective forms of preventing harm to children is the identification of a child staying at the premises and their relationship with the accompanying adult. The staff takes all possible steps to identify the child and their relationship with the accompanying adult.
  6. In connection with the Child Protection Procedures, Vola Apartments  requires that a guest staying at the premises with a child possesses a document demonstrating that they are an adult authorized to care for the child (e.g., a child’s identity document indicating kinship, civil status certificate, court order, notarized consent from the parent for the person to travel with the child, or consent signed by the child’s parent indicating the child’s details, address, parent’s contact number, and identity document number/PESEL number of the person entrusted with the child’s care).